Dettagli, Fiction e WIDAF考试注册

Dettagli, Fiction e WIDAF考试注册

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However, language development is not a linear process – like garden vines reaching for the sun, students may take various paths to develop language.

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aux candidats désirant postuler pour un poste de travail in questo luogo requiert des connaissances d’allemand,

Having a good knowledge of the skills measured during the exam will help you to focus on the essential points during your WiDaF training. Moreover, you can access the detailed corrections for each exercise and mock exams and follow the evolution of your scores as you prepare through the "Statistics and Corrections" section.


The WiDaF test is aimed on the one hand at professionals or students who need an assessment of their language skills, for example to apply for a job that requires German language skills, and on the other hand at people who want to improve their chances on the job market. But also to people who just want to know the level of their job-specific German skills.

Si read more le candidat n’a pas atteint le niveau seuil A2 du CECRL, il obtiendra une attestation de participation sans score.

Dans le cadre du CPF, le candidat passe un test de positionnement gratuit qui permet de vérifier son niveau initial et faire une demande de formation et/ou de certification.

The registration formalities to the WiDaF test depends on your place of residence. Therefore, three cases are possible depending on your geographic location.

Do you want to prepare for the WiDaF? GlobalExam supports you Per your preparation thanks to a tailor-made course, adapted to your score objective and your exam date.


Optimally prepared with the WiDaF certificate course at iQ iQ Linguaggio offers you the optimal preparation for the exam. You will acquire the necessary language skills Per mezzo di a targeted manner, which are aligned with the content of the WiDaF exam. You systematically expand your German vocabulary and improve your reading and listening comprehension step by step.

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